Friday, March 25, 2011

Pouting Faces

A Revelation of God's Word
Proverbs 25 (27).....It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to seek one's own honor.

Many times we dwell to much on what we deserve or pouting about not getting the reward for our sincere efforts in completing our assignments or tasks.  This type of pouting leads to bitterness, anger and discouragement.  Here is the key, if you allow this poison to enter in your spirit, then you'll miss the satisfactory of knowing you did your best.

Lord, everyday I try to send an inspired illustration or a nugget that will encourage someone to the truth of your word, I pray for a continuous satisfaction that I have done my best to your Glory and Honor......amen

Monday, March 21, 2011


What is Scandalous Faith?   just like the woman with the issue of blood, she was known publicly to be unclean, untouchable and certainly an outcast.  But she made up her mind one day that enough is enough,  She pressed her way to see Jesus, she did not care anymore who she touched or who accidently touched her.  As she pushed her way thru,  her scandalous faith arose when she determine that a change had to come that day without others knowing what her intentions were. 

As the story is told in God’s word, she was made
whole, and the people frowned and sneered at her, how dare she touch our Savior Christ Jesus, but the Lord did not marvel at their offenses, His compassion was more moved by her scandalous faith and the divine healing of her body.

Do we need to make a change in our lives?  Do we need to come out of the darkness on some personal issues that hinder us from moving forward?  I challenge you to purge through some things as you read God's word.  I thank the Lord for the time that was given to read my Bible today and allowing to make more steps toward the journey of my salvation.  I Love you Lord.....amen