Saturday, May 21, 2011


written by Pastor Terrence Hazzard

Fellow readers, I had no idea this would still be going on. But I know this is God’s doing. Because of the responses I’ve received and how this series has literally changed your lives, I will continue. While in my prayer closet earlier this week, one subject I haven’t touched on and God brought it to my attention, is the spirit of complaining! How many of you all know someone who is a habitual complainer? When you see them, you almost feel like running, because you know their m.o. A complainer is so annoying. And one of the reasons why they can be annoying because if we’re not careful, that spirit can quickly attach itself to you. How many of you all know someone like this? Perhaps it may be you? If this is you, STOP IT FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!
I often tell the congregants of ACM, complaining doesn’t move God into action. If the truth be told, that would distance you from God. Ultimately, the spirit of complaining is a spirit that lacks faith. Oftentimes, we feel like if we complain that would get us somewhere or get things moving. But that “method” doesn’t work with God. Now I know that may work with some people, but NEVER with God. Let me speak to those of you that are going through in the capacity of any relationship. Now this great information I am getting ready to share with you, I am not going to charge you for it, it’s free, but the next one, I have to charge you for it. LOL!! What I am about to tell you, it works on the natural as well as the spiritual side.
 Naturally speaking, women are known to have things a certain way and if those things are “off centered”, just a little, that could cause a bit of chaos in the home or with their spouses. Hear this now—it’s not a bad thing, you just need to be mastered on your approach a little better. My mother used to tell her daughter and nieces, you can have WHATEVER you want from your husband but your approach has to be right. Now, here it is a woman who has been married close to fifty years, so I think this would be the right person to take advice from in this particular area. She would often tell them, when you complain, you don’t get results. As a matter of truth, depending on how severe the situation is, that could draw your husband away. Men, we were made in the image of God. What does that mean?
Just like God, we love words of affirmation. Just like God, we love to be buttered up. Just like God, we love to hear what a great job we’ve done. Just like God, we love to hear that we’re the only one who could’ve done that particular job. But when you complain, that puts a bitter taste in our mouths (both God and us)! But when you give us what we (God and us) like to hear, you can have whatever your heart desires! Watch this now…..Even if we can’t afford what you’re asking for, someway, somehow, we’re going to make it happen! Just for the simply fact we want to please you and your approach was one that says, “HE’S THE MAN!” Right there, let me speak to my married couples, your marriage is not over; you just need to change your approach! No man or woman wants to feel belittled! Work on your praises to your spouse! Once you’ve mastered that…THE SKIES THE LIMIT!!!
When I was researching the word of God, I thought about the children of Israel and their situation. What would’ve taken God 11 days to do, ended up taking 40 years, simply because of their murmuring and complaining! Now can you image what God was thinking during that time? If I can just go on wings of imagination, I can imagine God saying, “Please just shut up and thank me for the manifestation.” And that is what I hear God saying, “Stop complaining and thank me for a miracle in your situation.” God is saying, “The quicker you give me glory, the quicker I can bring glory to your situation.” God is saying, “You’re a TONGUE FAST away from coming out of your situation.” Someone said, “What is a tongue fast?” You need to fast from complaining! You need to fast from murmuring! You need to fast from gossiping! You need to fast from thinking you know it all! You need to fast from the spirit of doubt! And God said, “The quicker you do that…..Whoop, there it is!!
I double dare you to come out of those pity parties! I double dare you to get off the murmuring and complaining conference calls! I double dare you to get rid of those miserable friends and seek to have an encounter with God during the time you would talk to them! If the truth be told, a lot of your SO-CALLED friends, they don’t want to see you happy! They want you to be in the same boat as them, because who else is going to listen? But the minute you make up in your mind and tell God you surrender, watch how your situation changes! So in my conclusion, learn how to get in the presence of God when your situation seems hopeless and once you learn how to give God what He wants, which is worship, watch how He gives you what you want and that is your heart’s desires!