Saturday, December 31, 2011


2012 THE YEAR OF SEPERATION.....God has been so very good and merciful to me and my family, I want to send a blessed greeting to all my FB family and friends, many of us has embarked on challenges, and obstacles this year 2011, but many of us can testify that the Father in Heaven has gotten us thru them all.  bottom line is "if it had not been for Jesus our Lord on our side, we would not know where we would be. this is my declaration song going out this year. I have waited to hear what is to come for 2012, and the prophetic word is 2012 is the year "OF THE WAR OF SEPERATION" the beginning there will be a struggle with some, but as time goes on it will be just a witnessing of the seperation and a greatfulness that you made it and was picked to be used for the Father's purpose.
....Now it is easy to tell the difference between the wheat, tare, and the weed. The wheat is longer, bigger, and stronger. The tare is shorter, medium sized, and weaker. The weed is the shortest, smallest, and the weakest...The weed doesn't produce any seeds. The tare produces some seeds. The wheat produces the biggest seeds.

To the non-farmers, knowing this difference wouldn't be so easy to dicipher. In truth they all look the same viewing it with the naked eye. Same for some of the women and men in the church. From the distance and even close up, everyone looks like wheat. Some having the form of Godliness, but deny the power thereof. They look like they are saved, sanctified, and Holy Ghost filled until they reach the threshing floor...

The threshing floor is a place where the seeds were separated from the vine. This is a painful time in a Christians life because it is where tests, trials, and tribulations comes to prove the faith. One can tell what Christian is victorious through the seeds produced. We all are
overcommers by the blood of the Lamb and the WORD of our testimony. For this cause, our seeds should be edible....
The seeds from wheat are heavy and full. They look very different when full grown. They bow to the wind. Therefore when you see the wheat at its peak, and ready for harvest, they all are bent according to which way the wind blew...

The Holy Spirit will cause us to stay on bended knees. These are those who spent time with the Lord and obeyed his WORD to the letter. They had no other choice because the seeds that were planted in them were too strong and mighty to stand upright with pride...

The tare is prideful and boastful. They are stubborn, reprobated, and self endowed. They act like wheat. BUT GET THIS PEOPLE...If you eat the seeds from the tare, it cause severe
, produces vomit, severe headaches, and a host of other illnesses. BE VERY CAREFUL SAINTS AS TO WHO YOU LET FEED YOUR SPIRIT. The tare's job is to choke the life out of the wheat. Some of you sit next to these types of people in churches, at home, and in the workplace. This is the reason for sanctification.
The weeds are just the speculators. They are just there watching what the tares and the wheat are doing. They have no place. They are just ugly to look at and really pose no threat. The only problem with the weeds is they are just bothersome. These are the gossipers. BUT BE VERY CARFEUL...gossipers have a way with destroying reputations. Everybody in the world will know your business. For this reason, it is better to find wise counsel among a wheat ( Church leader ) better yet GOD....For these reasons a shaking is coming to the earth. This shaking goes beyond earthquakes and natural disasters. This is the shaking that takes place on the threshing floor.

This is what GOD is going to do when he returns. This is the hour of repentance. We are living on the brink of the Kingdom of God dispensation. This is the last dispensation of this grace and mercy. If any of you are not living right, you better get right. Time is not going backwards, its only moving forward. Before it is all said and done, you'll be saying to yourself, "I should have repented when I had the chance." Don't let heaven come and you haven't proven yourselves worthy of the the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. The wages of your sins is death, destruction, and the lake of fire. Don't let your stubborn ways prevent you from partaking in the tree of life...

My prayerLord, please forgive me for gazing at the tares and weeds in the field, but help me to continue watching and praying for the wheat in your field.  continue purging me from the filth of this world and purify me for the task at hand.  Let not pride fill my  soul and take on the JE'HU spirit, but let me remain humble before you so that I can continue to grow and be fit for the Master's Kingdom plan.  Only you have the fulfilling of our destiny, so I ask that you graciously keep us on the right track and in your divine plan for the new year.  I ask this of You thy Gracious and Mighty God, in Your Son's name, Jesus Christ my Savior, amen.... 


Friday, December 9, 2011


con't from Facebook.........God's word came to His people at a critical time.  They were dependent, disillusioned people who faced a daunting task.  They had been exiled in Babylon for seventy years.  During this time they had witnessed the strength of the most dominant millitary power in the world.  They had seen the wealth and splendor of the Babylonian King.  When Babylon was in turn conquered by the Persians, the Israelites saw an even greater super power emerging on the world stage.  They literally lost heart when they compared their own weakness and capitivity with the enormous strength and wealth of the superpowers of their day.

When the Israelites returned to their city they found in ruins, their city walls were torn down.  This is what I experience when I recently visited my home community, it looked like a war zone, it was as if the enemy had came thru and tore up the streets, houses, families etc. even the churches looked so unkept.  As the people of God in this chapter, I had no resources to try and rebuild what was torn down.  Reading on.....God's people looked at the mammoth task before them, they realized their poverty and weakness, and they became greatly dismayed.  Then came GOD'S WORD! He promised that they would indeed, rebuild their city, But, He told them, the rebuilding would not be accomplished by their own power and resources, but by His Spirit.  As long as they had God's Spirit, they had everything they needed.   a comforting ending to this story, thank you JESUS!

There will be times when obeying God will lead you to impossible situations.  If you look at your own strength, skills, knowledge, and even your fasting and commitment or resources, you will become discouraged.  However, when you became a Christian, God placed His Spirit within you.  You now have the resources of heaven at your disposal.  The success of your endeavors will not depend on the way you use your own resources or your own strength of endurance, but on how you obey the Spirit of God....

my prayer today:  Lord, thank you for your precious word today, it makes all things clear in every situation.  Whether I fast or not, keep my soul before You daily, guide me gently to understand that no matter what the issue of the day may present, that it is by your Spirit and your Word that will guide me on the right path and have the victory for sure.  I Trust You Lord Always.......amen  

Sunday, November 6, 2011

don't doubt the impossible

Don't Avoid the Impossible 

Many times we get so oppressed about our positions in the Body of Christ, because we see no changes in our affairs or in the affairs of others who we are praying for and interceding for a break - through.

As I reflect on our lives as we earnestly live for the Lord, the question is constantly coming before me, why Lord, is there such a stagnant in things that need to move and be broken  from defeat. 

When Jesus asked the disciples to do something that was clearly impossible, they went out in obedience, they went out with faith, they went out with zealousness, they went out in expectation that they were finally going to see the miraculous happen.  sometimes they did see miracles happen just because of their presence, but to tell the truth, more often than not, nothing happened, not to mention that often they had to run for their lives from murderous heathens. 

Many times Christ will lead you into situations that will seem impossible, but don't try to avoid them.  Stay in the middle of them, for that is where you will experience the Almighty God.  The key difference between what appears to be impossible to us, it is actually possible by a word from the Master. 

Here is another key, our faith accepts His divine command and steps out in a direction that only God can complete.  If you attempt to do any thing that you know is possible with the visible resources that you posses, those around you will not see God at work.  You will be the one who receives the credit for a job well done, but God will have no part in it.

It is a good thing to take inventory of our lives and the decisions we are presently facing.  Have you received a word from the Master that awaits your next step of faith?  If you will proceed with what He has told you, no matter how incredible it might seem, you will experience the joy of seeing your Lord perform a real and true miracle, that you had nothing to do with. and so will others around you.

my prayer: 
Lord, I will confess that Jehovah Reigns in my life in everything I do and say.  If Your anointing does not dwell in the midst, then there is not a thing that is worthy of Your praise.  How dare I think otherwise, for frivilous words are weightless before You.
Lord, please continue teaching and making us understand that you move on our behalf not just by our confession but also by Your powerful command to go forth without doubting the impossible but believing the possible will and can happen when You say so,
and not a second or minute before.  I Love you Lord with my Whole Heart....amen 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


As I read this passage this afternoon about (All things Are Pure), reflecting on these words, my mind briefly went back to the words that Oprah spoke in the picture (Color Purple) (I hads ta fight aal my life, and im not gonna let no man put their hands on me and get a way with it.), “or something like that” lol.  This type of experience in one’s life can so distort the heart and cause us to mis-understand the true meaning of God’s healing hand on the wounds that others have afflicted.
Your heart condition will be expressed through your life.  It will be evident by your attitudes, your words, and your behavior.  Jesus said that you can clearly see others only when your own eyes are unobstructive.  If your vision is hindered by sin, you will not look at others properly.
If your heart is pure, you will approach life without anger, malice, suspicion, always questioning the motives of everyone around you.  You will doubt truth of everything others will tell you, if your heart is pure you will not look for the fault in others. (a true lesson for me).  Instead, you will look for the good in others, finding what is praiseworthy.  You will not be what you call (naïve) or gullible, but you will seek what is good rather than what is evil.  If your heart is pure then you will see others as God sees them.
If your heart is defiled, everything with which you are involved in will seem so corrupt as well.  You will assume evil motives in others because you know what you would do given the same circumstances.  It is my prayer that my brothers and sisters in Christ, including myself, be not critical with what we hear, let us hear with spiritual ears and a pure heart.  When we begin to do this, evil people will not be drawn to us and cause us to experience their evil deeds.
As a reminder unto myself, I will consciously make an effort to look at the words and actions of others with a pure heart, I will examine myself and ask, am I being too judgmental?   If so, let us ask God to purify our hearts, once He has, we will be free to love and see ourselves and others as God sees us.
My prayer:  Lord purify our hearts continually, let our past hurts and battles be healed totally.  Seek us when things become out of order with your will. Gently draw us to your bosom, so that we may hear your heart in any matter that disturbs us from your peace. Thank you our most gracious Almighty God, we love you Lord with our whole hearts amen…..

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prepare Your Mind
Therefore with your minds ready for action, be serious and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
I Peter 1:13

Did you know your mind is a wonderful thing?
You can memorize life-changing passages of scripture that can undergird you in your daily life.

you can meditate upon God's Word, discovering His magnificent truths, you can discern between truth and fake, you can also recall God's past blessings.

Some of God's most effective servants were those who disciplined their minds for His service.  Moses was educated in the best schools of Egypt, and yet God used him to assemble the Books of Law for the Isralites.  Isaiah used his scholarly mind to write profound prophetic books in scripture, fortelling many a wonders that we can testify even today. Paul is another one who the Lord used his intelligence to write the new testament of some profound events of his day as he went about witnessing the Love of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Sadly, many of us today do not exercise their minds to be of service to God.  They allow others to do their spiritual thinking for them.  Laziness and Lack of Zeal in the things of God is a weapon used against our success.  We look for His word in Books, instead of studying the Word for ourselves.

I urge my Brothers and Sisters in Christ to strive for maturity in our thinking.  At one time our spiritual thinking was immature, but we must "PREPARE OUR MINDS" to know and understand the great truths of God.  We must come to a point where  we will not allow others to do our thinking for us.  When we become Christians, God renewed our minds.  Be certain to use your mind in a way that brings glory to our great and mighty God.

my prayer:  Lord keep my mind afresh with your thoughts, let not my mind be polluted with the things of this crazy world.  Keep a hedge of protection over my thought pattern, that each day as I feed my mind with your dynamic and powerful words, that I may know you are with me and in me to carry out your truths on a daily basis......I Love you Lord with my whole heart....amen 

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Man in the Mirror "Vain Imaginations"

         Vain Imaginations" often we have to determine to demolish some things in our lives. don't make the mistake of thinking that deliverance from sin is deliverance from human nature. We all are born with sinful human nature, we just can't escape that, but when we take a good look in the mirror at ourselves" we are forced into the reality of who we really are, and right there we make a decision to either change or stay in the sin of "vain imaginations" I recently viewed this video of MJ, one of my favorite songs by him was "the man in the mirror" listening to the words are powerful and dynamic.
        We cannot neglect destroying the things that we know are not good for us or pleasing to our Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ. Depending on Divine Strength imparted by God's Spirit is our only hope in fighting and casting down vain imaginations thinking that we are all THAT, and a "bag of chips". It is only when God has altered our disposition and we have entered into the experience of sanctification that the fight begins. The warfare is not against sin, we can never fight against sin, Jesus Christ deals with our sin nature in the Redemption. The conflict is along the line of turning our natural life into a spiritual life, and this is never done easily, nor does God intend it to be done easily. (you have to want it desperately!)
        I found that it is done only by a series of moral choices. God does not make us holy in the sense of character, He makes us holy in the sense of innocence and we have to turn that innocence into holy character by a series of moral choices. Lets face it my Brothers and Sisters in this spiritual journey we are always going to have to fight our sin nature, we must pull down every vain imagination that tries to take over in our lives. A long time ago, I discovered that people can throw all kinds of compliments, putting you up on pedestals, admire your looks and pump you up for a great fall.
        Vain imaginations will fester and cause you to either fall in a sinful trap or set you up for a killer snare that can take you out of here before your time. (MJ's life)...was definitely before his time.....
        We must continue to earnestly pray, staying humble before our Lord, and train our ear-gates and eye-gates to see and hear whatever comes our way with a spiritual understanding. We can either go back and make ourselves of no account in the Kingdom of God, or we can determine to demolish all "vain imaginations" and bring total Glory to our Heavenly Father here on earth as it is in Heaven.
        my prayer: Lord, make this a royal day with us, touch us O'Lord, that all our spiritual and material life may be in attuned to Your purposes. Just a touch from You and I know all will be well and we will be strengthen to continue running our race and be not weary in our well doing......I Love you Lord with my whole heart......amen

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


When I keep it real, When I keep it focused and When I humble myself before the Lord, it is of His righteousness and love that we carry one another's burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of
Christ. Gal. 6:2.

When God places people in our lives who are in need, He is aware of what they lack, and He knows He has given you the resources to meet those needs.  You know God does nothing by accident.  When a need surfaces around you, immediately go to the Father and say, "You put me here for a reason.  You knew this was going to happen.  What did You (Lord) intend to do through me that would help this person become closer to You?

Recognizing a need in some one's life can be one of the greatest invitations from God you will ever experience. Its easy to become frustrated by the problems of others, they can overwhelm you as you become aware of their need after need.  Rather than looking at each new problem as one more drain on your time, energy, or finances, ask God why did He place you in this situation.  Allow God to help you beyond the obvious needs of others to the things He wants to accomplish in their lives.  Don't miss God's activity because you're reluctant to carry the load of others.

Ask yourself, is God blessing you materially? it may be He is developing a "supply portal" in your life through which He can provide for others.  Has God granted you a strong, healthy family life? it may be that He requires such a dysfunctional home for you to minister to the hurting, deserted or even that unloved one.  Has God released you from sinful habits? the timing of your deliverance will leave you to be a strong and mighty testifier, letting those who are yoked up in sin, that there is indeed hope in Jesus the Savior for complete restoration.

Has God's peace comforted you in a time of great sorrow? Has God miraculously provided for your needs? It may be that He has been purposefully building all these things into your life so that you can now be the kind of person who "WILL CARRY THE BURDENS OF OTHERS".......

Lord, I thank you for reminding me why you keep me alive and well, forever reminding me that it is not my will but your will that must be done.  Keep me with purpose and the tenacity to pursue righteousness and love, and according to your word Lord, you will bless us with LIFE, PROSPERITY AND HONOR.  thank you Lord, I love You to eternal life everlasting.......sw

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Excuse me Lord, but what are the guidelines for living a blameless life?

Humbling myself as His child:  As I was reading God's word, having a Holy Ghost moment, I stumbled on a conversation that David was having with the Lord. Many of us have heard the cliche' "don't question God" but I always felt there was something wrong with that picture, and to prove it "David asked the Lord a question and guess what saints He answered him back.  Here is the conversation: David asked: Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live in your holy hill? God answered: He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, the one who speaks the truth from the heart and has no slander on his tongue. The one who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman.

The Lord continues telling David that to despise a vile man but honors those who fear the Lord. One who keeps an oath even when it hurts.  He who lends his money without usury (charging interest) and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.  And finally the Lord told him, He who does these things will never, never be shaken!  WOW, and people say that they can't hear God?  Trust me, He has much to say, but only to those who want to know........Lord, I want to know.....amen  sw

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Sharing my Mid-Day Nugget:  Studying God's word has led me to His meaning of "PRECEPTS" simply meaning (rules of conduct) or heeding to (moral instructions). Ps. 119(27) "Let me understand the teaching of your PRECEPTS Lord, then I will meditate on your wonderous works" wow! such a powerful verse, it so speaks to my soul.

When you think about our lives that is cluttered with the book of rules, but the author never comes with us to help us follow the rules, But God does.

This is the uniqueness of our Bibles. God not only provides the rules and guidelines, but comes with us personally each day to strengthen us so that we can live accordingly to those rules.  All we must do is invite Him and respond to His direction.

Be encourage my Sisters and Brothers by God's PRECEPTS, they keep us safe and with the help of God, we can live Godly and Righteous lives most of the times.....amen  sw

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ministry of Tears

I'm a true believer that as we go through our Spiritual Journey, we will shed some tears, but I want to encourage that those of us who sow in tears will surely reap in joy, its in
God's word.  Chuck Pierce, a well known and respected Prophet and his associates has recently released a prophetic word, my spirit has beared witness to these sayings.  I would like to share them and encourage you, to let you know that God cares and so do I.  No matter what the circumstances look like, WE HAVE THE VICTORY IN HIS NAME, and that the promises the Lord has given shall come to pass.
P.S.  Let me know if you have received this word.
Love You
Below is a tongue message given by Deborah DeGar and Keith Pierce then prophecy interpretation follows:
"You've been hunting for things like a needle in a haystack. You've said, 'I can't find what I'm seeking. I can't find what I'm seeking.' But I am sending a new wave of water upon this land and it will cause the hay to be removed and you will find what you were seeking standing right before you.
"Remove the hay, the wood and the stubble from the midst of your life and what you were seeking will stand up and take action on your behalf. Where you couldn't prosper from the wood, the hay, and the stubble, you will prosper from what you find.
"Multiplication is coming to you. When the disciples were asked to feed the masses, they looked at Me for help. My reply was, 'What are you going to do about this'" This is the time for YOU to multiply. Now, the time of multiplication is here. Watch Me so that you will be able to multiply what He is sending you."
Linda Heidler then began to share: I heard the Lord say, "You are in the haystack. That is why you can't find what you are looking for because you are surrounded by all this stuff. Let Me reach in and get you out of the haystack first. The way I'm going to deal with all that wood, hay and stubble is by FIRE. Let Me get you out, burn it up and you will see the treasure you've been looking for."
"This is the day that the testimony that has been trapped in the generations is being liberated. You will speak backwards into your generations and command the testimony of God that has been in the blood line of your family, under the power of the Blood of Jesus, to begin to come forth.
"Some of you have been wounded. Some of you have been fearful. Some of you have had bad experiences. Don't be fearful to dance again. Don't be fearful to enter into joy again. Let your faith be stretched out again and let a new covering come over you.
Laugh With Me and Rejoice
"The high places came down and stole your laughter. That which you contended with in the last season robbed your joy; therefore you have lack of strength to enter this next season. But I am now laughing at your enemies. I am now laughing at what once laughed at you. Where you were defeated last season, you will enter into victory and laugh with Me."
"In this season I will show My hand. I will show My hand! You will see that you are trusting a mighty God. Your laugh will return. You will grab the head of the enemy. You will see how My hand is operating in your behalf. I'll show to you My mighty hand on your behalf. Laugh, laugh, laugh with Me, and rejoice. In the last season you feared – fear itself. In this next season the fear itself will fear the coming together, the consolidation of the Body of Christ, that forms Kingdom. The fear of you will be on your enemy.
"I am making a separation between that which is evil and that which is good. It will be a distinct separation. You will not have to be concerned, 'Is this God or is this not?' I will make your conscience clear and you will definitely know how to discern the thing that is before you. The enemy will be brought down and you will see that which you thought could not be toppled, fall in this season. I, the Lord God, will come in and intervene. A divine intervention is at hand. You will see that the enemy that you saw in the last season and the enemy that saw you, will be no more."
There is going to be deliverance in your house. There is going to be deliverance in the house for you. You are being delivered to enter into the freedom of victory.
Enter with Me into this Race!
"What in the past was a barrier, I am turning into a bridge. What in the past was an obstacle, I am turning into an opportunity. I am taking you from glory to glory." From the third Heaven the Lord is planting us. "Multitudes are being planted. I am seeding the heavens today with My people. Out of that will come the Word – the Living Word of Truth from My people that I am planting in the heavens today for the earth to begin to see my sons and daughters.
"Some of you are coming back today. I'm bringing you back in now because I need you. I need you! I'll cause you to shine and you will affect many in days ahead. You will march forth with Me. Leave behind what was behind and run this race new and fresh. This is a difficult time for you. Many of you chose the way of sifting! But now I AM separating you out this season ahead. I need you! Enter with Me into this race!"
A New Song
Leann Squier and Michelle Hadley began to sing the new song. New songs break old cycles:
"It may not rain anywhere else
But in the House of God it will rain.
There was a day when the parting came
And it began to rain.
There was a day that I made the land of Goshen separate.
I am separating you, so I can rain on your land
I'm telling you. Those who trust in the Lord,
They have nothing to fear.
There will be food and provision in the house.
There will be safety in the house.
There will be rain in the house of the Lord.
I am brooding over you like a mother hen.
I'm protecting you for the future
Your due season is now due.
I'm holding you in place till I release you.
I'm hiding you from your enemy.
Those that are His are going to rise up
We will shine with His glory like never before.
Kings will come to the brightness
You are rising
Shine like never before."
Chuck Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries


Saturday, May 21, 2011


written by Pastor Terrence Hazzard

Fellow readers, I had no idea this would still be going on. But I know this is God’s doing. Because of the responses I’ve received and how this series has literally changed your lives, I will continue. While in my prayer closet earlier this week, one subject I haven’t touched on and God brought it to my attention, is the spirit of complaining! How many of you all know someone who is a habitual complainer? When you see them, you almost feel like running, because you know their m.o. A complainer is so annoying. And one of the reasons why they can be annoying because if we’re not careful, that spirit can quickly attach itself to you. How many of you all know someone like this? Perhaps it may be you? If this is you, STOP IT FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!
I often tell the congregants of ACM, complaining doesn’t move God into action. If the truth be told, that would distance you from God. Ultimately, the spirit of complaining is a spirit that lacks faith. Oftentimes, we feel like if we complain that would get us somewhere or get things moving. But that “method” doesn’t work with God. Now I know that may work with some people, but NEVER with God. Let me speak to those of you that are going through in the capacity of any relationship. Now this great information I am getting ready to share with you, I am not going to charge you for it, it’s free, but the next one, I have to charge you for it. LOL!! What I am about to tell you, it works on the natural as well as the spiritual side.
 Naturally speaking, women are known to have things a certain way and if those things are “off centered”, just a little, that could cause a bit of chaos in the home or with their spouses. Hear this now—it’s not a bad thing, you just need to be mastered on your approach a little better. My mother used to tell her daughter and nieces, you can have WHATEVER you want from your husband but your approach has to be right. Now, here it is a woman who has been married close to fifty years, so I think this would be the right person to take advice from in this particular area. She would often tell them, when you complain, you don’t get results. As a matter of truth, depending on how severe the situation is, that could draw your husband away. Men, we were made in the image of God. What does that mean?
Just like God, we love words of affirmation. Just like God, we love to be buttered up. Just like God, we love to hear what a great job we’ve done. Just like God, we love to hear that we’re the only one who could’ve done that particular job. But when you complain, that puts a bitter taste in our mouths (both God and us)! But when you give us what we (God and us) like to hear, you can have whatever your heart desires! Watch this now…..Even if we can’t afford what you’re asking for, someway, somehow, we’re going to make it happen! Just for the simply fact we want to please you and your approach was one that says, “HE’S THE MAN!” Right there, let me speak to my married couples, your marriage is not over; you just need to change your approach! No man or woman wants to feel belittled! Work on your praises to your spouse! Once you’ve mastered that…THE SKIES THE LIMIT!!!
When I was researching the word of God, I thought about the children of Israel and their situation. What would’ve taken God 11 days to do, ended up taking 40 years, simply because of their murmuring and complaining! Now can you image what God was thinking during that time? If I can just go on wings of imagination, I can imagine God saying, “Please just shut up and thank me for the manifestation.” And that is what I hear God saying, “Stop complaining and thank me for a miracle in your situation.” God is saying, “The quicker you give me glory, the quicker I can bring glory to your situation.” God is saying, “You’re a TONGUE FAST away from coming out of your situation.” Someone said, “What is a tongue fast?” You need to fast from complaining! You need to fast from murmuring! You need to fast from gossiping! You need to fast from thinking you know it all! You need to fast from the spirit of doubt! And God said, “The quicker you do that…..Whoop, there it is!!
I double dare you to come out of those pity parties! I double dare you to get off the murmuring and complaining conference calls! I double dare you to get rid of those miserable friends and seek to have an encounter with God during the time you would talk to them! If the truth be told, a lot of your SO-CALLED friends, they don’t want to see you happy! They want you to be in the same boat as them, because who else is going to listen? But the minute you make up in your mind and tell God you surrender, watch how your situation changes! So in my conclusion, learn how to get in the presence of God when your situation seems hopeless and once you learn how to give God what He wants, which is worship, watch how He gives you what you want and that is your heart’s desires!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Often our minds become open CISTERNS, our thoughts are dominated with the things that go on around us.  I have observed that when we don't have the mind of Christ, or wear the Helmet of Salvation we can be consumed with issues that need to be placed at the Altar and left there for God to take care of.  Resting in the Lord is a process as well as intentionally taking action on a daily basis.
Every day I ask the Father to bask me with the "Mind of Christ" especially in times like these, this indeed is our only safety net.  Those who are walking in their calling in ministry will heed the importance of resting our minds under the shadow of His Wings.  The Lord knows our (ins and outs), He is the author and finisher of all things, issues, circumstances and life in general.

Thoughts are just fleeting moments of energy.  They have no footage of stability and certainly no substance that we can depend on.  With our Minds on Christ, we can be sure that any step we take forward with a Christ-like mind will keep us grounded on a sure foundation no matter what is going on around us.   

 I love You Lord......amen

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


JE'HU, was the anointed king of Israel back in the (Kings) biblical days.  God specifically selected him to go after all the BAAL worshippers and also to fulfill the prophesies that Elijah had spoken against Ahab and his household.  Remember, he had Jezebel Ahab's wife killed.

As I read this great and terrible chapter about JE'HU, I had to take a break and catch my breath, the events that took place back then suffice to say, was a trip, I mean the way our Great and Terrible God did some things would keep you trembling with fear.  but getting back to JE'HU.........

JE'HU! had the basic qualities that could have made him a great success.  From a human perspective, in fact, he was a successful king.  His family ruled the northern kingdom of Israel longer than any other king. He was used by God as instrument to punish Ahab's evil dynasty and fiercely attacked every BAAL worshipper in that era.  He could have been God's king of all kings, but he recklessly went beyond God's commands and failed to follow through on the obedient actions that began his reign as king.  He was within sight of victory but settled on mediocrity.  Let's say he settled for the '"BLING - BLING"   (two golden calves).

JE'HU! was a man of immediate action but without ultimate purpose.  He made sure his kingdom was on the MOVE, but its destination was unclear.  JE'HU! executions were shrewed.  So much so, that the most gruesome order of executions were done without a second thought.  His style showed he was not fully aware of who was directing him.

As with JE'HU, God gives each person strengths and abilities that will find their greatest usefulness only under His control.  Outside of that control they don't accomplish what they could have and often become tools for evil.  One way to make sure this does not happen to you, is to tell God of your willingness to be under His control.  With His presence in your life, your natural strengths and abilities will be used to their greatest potential for His Glory, and His Glory only.....

My prayer is.....Lord keep me devoted to know and love you for Who You Are and not for my own self interest.   amen

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pouting Faces

A Revelation of God's Word
Proverbs 25 (27).....It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to seek one's own honor.

Many times we dwell to much on what we deserve or pouting about not getting the reward for our sincere efforts in completing our assignments or tasks.  This type of pouting leads to bitterness, anger and discouragement.  Here is the key, if you allow this poison to enter in your spirit, then you'll miss the satisfactory of knowing you did your best.

Lord, everyday I try to send an inspired illustration or a nugget that will encourage someone to the truth of your word, I pray for a continuous satisfaction that I have done my best to your Glory and Honor......amen

Monday, March 21, 2011


What is Scandalous Faith?   just like the woman with the issue of blood, she was known publicly to be unclean, untouchable and certainly an outcast.  But she made up her mind one day that enough is enough,  She pressed her way to see Jesus, she did not care anymore who she touched or who accidently touched her.  As she pushed her way thru,  her scandalous faith arose when she determine that a change had to come that day without others knowing what her intentions were. 

As the story is told in God’s word, she was made
whole, and the people frowned and sneered at her, how dare she touch our Savior Christ Jesus, but the Lord did not marvel at their offenses, His compassion was more moved by her scandalous faith and the divine healing of her body.

Do we need to make a change in our lives?  Do we need to come out of the darkness on some personal issues that hinder us from moving forward?  I challenge you to purge through some things as you read God's word.  I thank the Lord for the time that was given to read my Bible today and allowing to make more steps toward the journey of my salvation.  I Love you Lord.....amen