Friday, December 9, 2011


con't from Facebook.........God's word came to His people at a critical time.  They were dependent, disillusioned people who faced a daunting task.  They had been exiled in Babylon for seventy years.  During this time they had witnessed the strength of the most dominant millitary power in the world.  They had seen the wealth and splendor of the Babylonian King.  When Babylon was in turn conquered by the Persians, the Israelites saw an even greater super power emerging on the world stage.  They literally lost heart when they compared their own weakness and capitivity with the enormous strength and wealth of the superpowers of their day.

When the Israelites returned to their city they found in ruins, their city walls were torn down.  This is what I experience when I recently visited my home community, it looked like a war zone, it was as if the enemy had came thru and tore up the streets, houses, families etc. even the churches looked so unkept.  As the people of God in this chapter, I had no resources to try and rebuild what was torn down.  Reading on.....God's people looked at the mammoth task before them, they realized their poverty and weakness, and they became greatly dismayed.  Then came GOD'S WORD! He promised that they would indeed, rebuild their city, But, He told them, the rebuilding would not be accomplished by their own power and resources, but by His Spirit.  As long as they had God's Spirit, they had everything they needed.   a comforting ending to this story, thank you JESUS!

There will be times when obeying God will lead you to impossible situations.  If you look at your own strength, skills, knowledge, and even your fasting and commitment or resources, you will become discouraged.  However, when you became a Christian, God placed His Spirit within you.  You now have the resources of heaven at your disposal.  The success of your endeavors will not depend on the way you use your own resources or your own strength of endurance, but on how you obey the Spirit of God....

my prayer today:  Lord, thank you for your precious word today, it makes all things clear in every situation.  Whether I fast or not, keep my soul before You daily, guide me gently to understand that no matter what the issue of the day may present, that it is by your Spirit and your Word that will guide me on the right path and have the victory for sure.  I Trust You Lord Always.......amen  

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