2012 THE YEAR OF SEPERATION.....God has been so very good and merciful to me and my family, I want to send a blessed greeting to all my FB family and friends, many of us has embarked on challenges, and obstacles this year 2011, but many of us can testify that the Father in Heaven has gotten us thru them all. bottom line is "if it had not been for Jesus our Lord on our side, we would not know where we would be. this is my declaration song going out this year. I have waited to hear what is to come for 2012, and the prophetic word is 2012 is the year "OF THE WAR OF SEPERATION"......in the beginning there will be a struggle with some, but as time goes on it will be just a witnessing of the seperation and a greatfulness that you made it and was picked to be used for the Father's purpose.
....Now it is easy to tell the difference between the wheat, tare, and the weed. The wheat is longer, bigger, and stronger. The tare is shorter, medium sized, and weaker. The weed is the shortest, smallest, and the weakest...The weed doesn't produce any seeds. The tare produces some seeds. The wheat produces the biggest seeds.
To the non-farmers, knowing this difference wouldn't be so easy to dicipher. In truth they all look the same viewing it with the naked eye. Same for some of the women and men in the church. From the distance and even close up, everyone looks like wheat. Some having the form of Godliness, but deny the power thereof. They look like they are saved, sanctified, and Holy Ghost filled until they reach the threshing floor...
The threshing floor is a place where the seeds were separated from the vine. This is a painful time in a Christians life because it is where tests, trials, and tribulations comes to prove the faith. One can tell what Christian is victorious through the seeds produced. We all are overcommers by the blood of the Lamb and the WORD of our testimony. For this cause, our seeds should be edible....
The seeds from wheat are heavy and full. They look very different when full grown. They bow to the wind. Therefore when you see the wheat at its peak, and ready for harvest, they all are bent according to which way the wind blew...
The Holy Spirit will cause us to stay on bended knees. These are those who spent time with the Lord and obeyed his WORD to the letter. They had no other choice because the seeds that were planted in them were too strong and mighty to stand upright with pride...
The tare is prideful and boastful. They are stubborn, reprobated, and self endowed. They act like wheat. BUT GET THIS PEOPLE...If you eat the seeds from the tare, it cause severe nausia, produces vomit, severe headaches, and a host of other illnesses. BE VERY CAREFUL SAINTS AS TO WHO YOU LET FEED YOUR SPIRIT. The tare's job is to choke the life out of the wheat. Some of you sit next to these types of people in churches, at home, and in the workplace. This is the reason for sanctification.
The weeds are just the speculators. They are just there watching what the tares and the wheat are doing. They have no place. They are just ugly to look at and really pose no threat. The only problem with the weeds is they are just bothersome. These are the gossipers. BUT BE VERY CARFEUL...gossipers have a way with destroying reputations. Everybody in the world will know your business. For this reason, it is better to find wise counsel among a wheat ( Church leader ) better yet GOD....For these reasons a shaking is coming to the earth. This shaking goes beyond earthquakes and natural disasters. This is the shaking that takes place on the threshing floor. The Holy Spirit will cause us to stay on bended knees. These are those who spent time with the Lord and obeyed his WORD to the letter. They had no other choice because the seeds that were planted in them were too strong and mighty to stand upright with pride...
The tare is prideful and boastful. They are stubborn, reprobated, and self endowed. They act like wheat. BUT GET THIS PEOPLE...If you eat the seeds from the tare, it cause severe nausia, produces vomit, severe headaches, and a host of other illnesses. BE VERY CAREFUL SAINTS AS TO WHO YOU LET FEED YOUR SPIRIT. The tare's job is to choke the life out of the wheat. Some of you sit next to these types of people in churches, at home, and in the workplace. This is the reason for sanctification.
This is what GOD is going to do when he returns. This is the hour of repentance. We are living on the brink of the Kingdom of God dispensation. This is the last dispensation of this grace and mercy. If any of you are not living right, you better get right. Time is not going backwards, its only moving forward. Before it is all said and done, you'll be saying to yourself, "I should have repented when I had the chance." Don't let heaven come and you haven't proven yourselves worthy of the the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. The wages of your sins is death, destruction, and the lake of fire. Don't let your stubborn ways prevent you from partaking in the tree of life...
My prayer: Lord, please forgive me for gazing at the tares and weeds in the field, but help me to continue watching and praying for the wheat in your field. continue purging me from the filth of this world and purify me for the task at hand. Let not pride fill my soul and take on the JE'HU spirit, but let me remain humble before you so that I can continue to grow and be fit for the Master's Kingdom plan. Only you have the fulfilling of our destiny, so I ask that you graciously keep us on the right track and in your divine plan for the new year. I ask this of You thy Gracious and Mighty God, in Your Son's name, Jesus Christ my Savior, amen....
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