Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prepare Your Mind
Therefore with your minds ready for action, be serious and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
I Peter 1:13

Did you know your mind is a wonderful thing?
You can memorize life-changing passages of scripture that can undergird you in your daily life.

you can meditate upon God's Word, discovering His magnificent truths, you can discern between truth and fake, you can also recall God's past blessings.

Some of God's most effective servants were those who disciplined their minds for His service.  Moses was educated in the best schools of Egypt, and yet God used him to assemble the Books of Law for the Isralites.  Isaiah used his scholarly mind to write profound prophetic books in scripture, fortelling many a wonders that we can testify even today. Paul is another one who the Lord used his intelligence to write the new testament of some profound events of his day as he went about witnessing the Love of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Sadly, many of us today do not exercise their minds to be of service to God.  They allow others to do their spiritual thinking for them.  Laziness and Lack of Zeal in the things of God is a weapon used against our success.  We look for His word in Books, instead of studying the Word for ourselves.

I urge my Brothers and Sisters in Christ to strive for maturity in our thinking.  At one time our spiritual thinking was immature, but we must "PREPARE OUR MINDS" to know and understand the great truths of God.  We must come to a point where  we will not allow others to do our thinking for us.  When we become Christians, God renewed our minds.  Be certain to use your mind in a way that brings glory to our great and mighty God.

my prayer:  Lord keep my mind afresh with your thoughts, let not my mind be polluted with the things of this crazy world.  Keep a hedge of protection over my thought pattern, that each day as I feed my mind with your dynamic and powerful words, that I may know you are with me and in me to carry out your truths on a daily basis......I Love you Lord with my whole heart....amen 

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Man in the Mirror "Vain Imaginations"

         Vain Imaginations" often we have to determine to demolish some things in our lives. don't make the mistake of thinking that deliverance from sin is deliverance from human nature. We all are born with sinful human nature, we just can't escape that, but when we take a good look in the mirror at ourselves" we are forced into the reality of who we really are, and right there we make a decision to either change or stay in the sin of "vain imaginations" I recently viewed this video of MJ, one of my favorite songs by him was "the man in the mirror" listening to the words are powerful and dynamic.
        We cannot neglect destroying the things that we know are not good for us or pleasing to our Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ. Depending on Divine Strength imparted by God's Spirit is our only hope in fighting and casting down vain imaginations thinking that we are all THAT, and a "bag of chips". It is only when God has altered our disposition and we have entered into the experience of sanctification that the fight begins. The warfare is not against sin, we can never fight against sin, Jesus Christ deals with our sin nature in the Redemption. The conflict is along the line of turning our natural life into a spiritual life, and this is never done easily, nor does God intend it to be done easily. (you have to want it desperately!)
        I found that it is done only by a series of moral choices. God does not make us holy in the sense of character, He makes us holy in the sense of innocence and we have to turn that innocence into holy character by a series of moral choices. Lets face it my Brothers and Sisters in this spiritual journey we are always going to have to fight our sin nature, we must pull down every vain imagination that tries to take over in our lives. A long time ago, I discovered that people can throw all kinds of compliments, putting you up on pedestals, admire your looks and pump you up for a great fall.
        Vain imaginations will fester and cause you to either fall in a sinful trap or set you up for a killer snare that can take you out of here before your time. (MJ's life)...was definitely before his time.....
        We must continue to earnestly pray, staying humble before our Lord, and train our ear-gates and eye-gates to see and hear whatever comes our way with a spiritual understanding. We can either go back and make ourselves of no account in the Kingdom of God, or we can determine to demolish all "vain imaginations" and bring total Glory to our Heavenly Father here on earth as it is in Heaven.
        my prayer: Lord, make this a royal day with us, touch us O'Lord, that all our spiritual and material life may be in attuned to Your purposes. Just a touch from You and I know all will be well and we will be strengthen to continue running our race and be not weary in our well doing......I Love you Lord with my whole heart......amen