Today, I was reading Psalms 32, starting out saying
"Blessed is he who's transgressions are forgiven, and who's sins are covered. Blessed is the man who's sin the Lord does not count against him, and to his spirit there is no deceit". This is such an awesome promise.
In verse 3, it says "that when I kept silent my bones wasted away thru my groaning all the day long. It is here that I pondered and meditate on the feelings of GUILT.

When we keep silent, and not confess our sins, our mind, will and emotions are sicken. It is to our benefit to repent and ask God for His forgiveness. His word says not only will He cover our sins, but in verse 5, "when I acknowledged my sin to the Lord and did not cover up my iniquity, I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord, then He shall forgive the
GUILT of my sins. That's powerful! When the Lord forgives the Guilt of our sins, then we become free and joyful once again. I thank God for His divine Mercy and Grace for keeping me on the right track. He is my hiding place that will protect me from all trouble. We serve a M
ighty God, I know this to be so TRUE.
Confess your sins and be forgiven, the Lord will surround you with songs
of deliverance, you will be able to praise Him with a upright heart.
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